The Easter weekend is just around the corner and, along with eating more calories in chocolate than the recommended weekly allowance for an Olympic athlete, many of us will be using the long weekend to finally get around to some long-postponed home renovation projects or forgotten DIY jobs.
If you don’t want to spend the entire weekend stressed out and feeling like you haven’t achieved half as much as you wanted to, we suggest you get planning now. Get a list of jobs that need doing and look at which ones you think are achievable in the time and try to commit to a group of jobs with a similar theme – for example, if there are a few painting jobs that need doing, plan to do those, rather than a range of jobs across the house.
Whatever project you’ve decided on, they all have a habit of breaking out of their assigned space and taking over the entire house. Before long you’ve got a dining table in the bedroom and your kettle is balanced on the side of the bath (not advised!). There are some practical tips you can follow to try to limit the fallout though.
Start by having a good clear out before you even pick up a paint sample. There will be things hidden away in drawers that you completely forgot about. If you haven’t missed it, throw it out. Think about where the things you’re keeping will live while their usual home is out of bounds, don’t just put things in the first place you see. Once you’ve de-cluttered – consider putting as much as you can into storage – some things are essential, but you can probably cope without your rice cooker, sandwich toaster and food processor for a few weeks!
Easter weekend has historically been the busiest weekend of the year at major DIY stores, so if you know what you’re going to be doing, get yourself a shopping list and go buy supplies during the week before to beat the rush.
If you don’t have any big projects, it’s a great opportunity to do some spring cleaning, if you give everyone in the family a job to do, the house will be sparkling in no time.
From emptying out all the cupboards in the kitchen and giving them a good scrub to flipping your mattresses over and giving them a hoover (seriously, it’s a great way to get rid of dust mites!), there is no shortage of things to do and if you follow the advice of Mary Poppins, there’ll be no complaints from anyone that you’ve roped in to help, remember:
In every job that must be done,
There is an element of fun
You find the fun and snap!
The job’s a game
Lastly, don’t try to cram in so much that you forget to spend some time relaxing and enjoying the weekend with friends and family!
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